Wednesday, August 29, 2012

monday i was dream about you~why u came into my dream!><
lolx..ninungluanwodeshixiang~nung luan wo de qing xu!
zhuijing~mama dei lah! jz like normal lurx!
ntg to talk!
but i want say: ACCOUNT!! you! make me crazy lah~
n felt like i wanna kill you babe~i know!i know your "fomula" put here n put there mah~
but why u always make fun to me yah?
is tat funny?or will make you more happy?sot lah u~
~giv me win ONE time leh~onetime only mah~please:D

everytime~eeevvveeerrryyytttiiimmmeee bu zhi shi yi chi!~
u know coz u!I've become a sinner in front of others!
whn u said your friend~remember your friend!
your friend its very hurt~
i noe it will never been repair~
if~cn patches.....tat is good,great,wonderful haha!but the scar never ever being perfect;((((((((

hope time cn repair :))