Sunday, May 6, 2012 funny orh... Nw thn I realize if one funny thing muncul di depan kita.. wat a funny thing!hahahahaxDDDD zai bas I cnnt tahan to is sooooooo difficult..hais..felt shame orh... My cutiest fren ...u make my life so bu tong..hahaha Lolxxx...ur funny dong Zhou always at my mind.cnnt ppl say me Gila how?hmmm;( is the first day for exam..felt so complicated.. ;(( I hope tmrw wil better thn today!!!! Jin tian you Hao xiao you Jin jiang..the second time I felt my hand *zhen*!owh no! How?i wan a hug orh;(hehe To my fren:forget it about this day...n fucos tmrw n tmrw n tnrw d exam... Gambateh!add oil!jia you!hehe.. I love u all

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